Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Border

The Border

a line drawn in blood
splits the gathered earth
it legislates the steps of men
to sabotage the inner heart
they carve the paradigm from us verse them
but the stateless yet stately pine-tree
set herself on either side
where she digs defiant roots

And in her shade is I

i’m finally lost and utterly found
jealous of the mother bird
she soars above my head
free but never careless
yet caring only for the worm
bread of life to her nesting children
her simple song without rebellious dissonance
the melody of love

So, what if I

….little old I!

Set my feet in that high country?

what if I gathered the lumber of my own life?
what if I dug the earth
laid a foundation of truth?
by sweat I stacked the logs
of a future I called hope?
and in the forest’s solitude
reaching for heaven, drew down love?

you’d call me outlaw and a fool
for I’m drawn out and beyond
ear tuned to the whispers
of a God you haven't tamed

but with a building of nations
and a crushing of lies
you’ve a million sure ways
to forget you’re a mist
that the sparkling stream
o, praise the maker’s hand
has been crossing the border
before there ever was Man

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